Remote Safety & Emergency Situations



The use of a remote safety acknowledgment is absolutely important when performing any science or STEM activities off-site to help minimize liability and to ensure that safety is still a priority regardless of the environment. This online module focuses on safety awareness and instruction guides.

sku : 979-8-89083-153-8
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Chemical Hygiene Officer Certification Pathway

Chemical Hygiene Officer Certification Pathway

The Chemical Hygiene Officer Certification Pathway, or Certified Chemical Hygiene Officer Pathway (CCHO), developed by a Certified National Registry of Certified Chemists (NRCC) CHO and…
Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $99.00.
High School Student Safety Pathway

High School Student Safety Pathway

This online pathway provides high school science students with an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms for their…
Original price was: $249.00.Current price is: $99.00.
Chemistry Students Safety Pathway

Chemistry Students Safety Pathway

This online pathway provides high school chemistry students with an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to ensure the safe operation of their chemistry…
Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $99.00.
Pre-Service Safety for Elementary School Educators Pathway

Pre-Service Safety for Elementary School Educators Pathway

This online pathway is for pre-service elementary school science and STEAM educators who want to build a safety culture in their school and classroom on…
Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $99.00.

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