Certificate of Fitness D-14 and Certificate of Fitness D-15


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This online course qualifies individuals for meeting the requirements of the Certificate of Fitness D-14 and Certificate of Fitness D-15. Developed in collaboration with the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) and Science Safety industry consultants, and reviewed by NSTA’s Chief Compliance Safety Advisor and NSELA’s Safety Compliance Officer.

Certificate of Fitness D-14: Supervise The Storage and Handling of Chemicals in the NYC K-12 School Labs. All teachers who use laboratories in NYC K-12 schools require a Certificate of Fitness to Supervise the Handling and Use of Chemicals in NYC K-12 School Laboratories (D-14).

Certificate of Fitness D-15: Supervise the Handling and Use of Chemicals in NYC K-12 School Labs. All laboratory specialists who store and handle chemicals in NYC K-12 Schools require a Certificate of Fitness for School Laboratories (D-15).

Includes FDNY sections:

  • Fire Code: Chapter 27 Section 2701-2703 & 2706
  • Fire Department Rule Chapter/Section: §113-09, 2706-01, 4702-01, 4827-01(g)(1)&(2)
  • National Fire Protection Association Codes and Standards: 45, 2004 and 2015 editions (not including Chapter 5)
  • Information included in the FDNY Study Material: D-15

All teachers who use laboratories in NYC K-12 schools require a Certificate of Fitness. NYC DOE and FDNY recognize this certificate as fulfilling training requirements necessary to apply for the Certificate of Fitness D-14 and Certificate of Fitness D-15.

  • 1 Pathway: D-14 and D-15 Certificates of Fitness
  • 1 Pathway Completion Certificate
  • 93 Lessons
  • 11 Modules
  • 9 Videos
  • 11 Quizzes
  • Approximate Time to Complete: 8 hours
Purchase Instructions
Select the individual or group option. If group option, click the Enroll Me option if you would like to enroll yourself in the group, name your group (e.g., East HS Science Teachers), and select the number of seats. Click Add to Cart and proceed to checkout.
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