High School Safety Training


To reduce their liability, and protect students High School Educators, Staff and Students must know the safety measures related to curricula, activities, tools, and materials and how they relate to the schools Duty of Care, in order to build safety awareness and provide safe environments in schools, for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM Safety), career and technical education (CTE Safety), and Lab Safety. Learn Your Responsiblity and Explore the Free Duty of Care Module for FREE

About High School Educator Pathways

Online training pathways for High School Educators are designed to take educators of all levels—from newcomer to experienced —and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to make their classrooms and schools safer. 

Whats included?
  • 100% Online Training
  • Aligned to Best Practices
  • Aligned to Compliance/Legal
  • Multiple Modules with Micro-Credentials 
  • Professional Certificates
  • Verifiable Completion Certificate
  • Community Engagement and Support

This pathway is designed to help K-12 Educators and Administrators develop a deeper understanding of the intersection between safety, access, and equity in their schools.

Online  |  7 Modules  | 3.5 Hours to Complete  |  7 Microcredentials  | 1 Professional Certificate

Provides AP Biology educators with an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms. In this pathway we investigate common safety protocols and best-practices, safe use of equipment, and dissection safety, among other topics.

Online | 15 Modules  | 7 Hours to Complete  | 15 Microcredentials | 1 Professional Certificate

This pathway includes an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms with special attention to common safety protocols and best-practices, safe use of equipment, and dissection safety, among other topics.

Online  |  32 Modules  | 17.5 Hours to Complete  | 32 Microcredentials  | 1 Professional  Certificate

Provides biology educators with an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms. In this pathway we investigate common safety protocols and best-practices, safe use of equipment, and dissection safety, among other topics.

Online | 15 Modules  | 7 Hours to Complete  | 15 Microcredentials | 1 Professional Certificate

For Chemical Hygiene Officers who are required to provide technical guidance in developing and implementing the provisions of the Chemical Hygiene Plan for their school or school district.

Online  |  22 Modules  | 10.5 Hours to Complete  |  22 Microcredentials | 1 Professional Certificate

This pathway package includes an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms with special attention to common safety protocols and best-practices, safe use of equipment, and dissection safety, among other topics.

Online  |  32 Modules  | 17.5 Hours to Complete  | 32 Microcredentials  | 1 Professional  Certificate

For all educators and administrators in the school district who want to learn about common annual safety training mandatory compliance and regulatory topics.

Online  |  17 Modules  | 17 Hours to Complete  |  17 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For middle and high school CTE Department Chairs who want to build a safety culture in their school and classroom, focusing on the safer professional practices for CTE equipment, apparatus, instruments and their intended usage.

Online  |  36 Modules  | 18 Hours to Complete  |  36 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For middle and high school CTE educators who want to learn how to provide a comprehensive understanding of the hazards that exist in the metal and wood shops/construction labs, as well as in the STEM fab labs.

Online  |  36 Modules  | 18 Hours to Complete  |  36 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

Provides educators who teach Earth Sciences with an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms. In this Pathway we will investigate topics related to lab safety with attention to specific equipment.

Online  |  7 Modules  | 5 Hours to Complete  |  7 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For Environmental Health Officers who are required to provide technical guidance in developing and implementing the provisions of the Chemical Hygiene Plan for their school or school district.

Online  |  22 Modules  | 10.5 Hours to Complete  |  22 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

Provides K-12 general science educators with an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms, with focus on prevention.

Online  |  6 Modules  | 4 Hours to Complete  | 6 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

Provides 9th and 10th grade general science educators with an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms

Online  |  13 Modules  | 5 Hours to Complete  | 13 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

Provides High School science educators with an overview of basic procedures and policies necessary to support safety in their classrooms

Online  |  33 Modules  | 11 Hours to Complete  | 33 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For K-12 Educators to learn about the Globally Harmonized System of Classification (GHS) and how hazards are classified and communicated through the use of labels and safety data sheets.

Online  |  5 Modules  | 1 Hour to Complete  |  5 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For K-12 Educators and Administrators to develop a deeper understanding of health and safety risks in their schools.

Online  |  10 Modules  | 6 Hours to Complete  |  10 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For high school science department chairs who want to develop a safety culture in their science and STEM classrooms.

Online  |  33 Modules  | 16 Hours to Complete  |  33 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For High School educators who engage with makerspaces. This training is a careful review of the processes, development of safety procedures, and use of exposure control devices are important to ensure a safer makerspaces.

Online  |  33 Modules  | 16 Hours to Complete  |  33 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

This pathway is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the various safety concerns and issues that exist in Metalworking.

Online  |  17 Modules  | 14 Hours to Complete  |  17 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For new High School educators to develop a deeper understanding of general safety and specific topics, such labs and makerspaces.

Online  |  19 Modules  | 12 Hours to Complete  |  19 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

For Visual Arts educators to develop a deeper understanding of how to clean up materials, paints/solvents, metal shavings or process rinse waters may fall into the hazardous waste management category. Painting, ceramics, photography, jewelry, printing and printmaking, metalworking, welding, and woodworking, as well as the associated buildings, studios and storage space, are some activities that commonly use materials that are hazardous and may therefore become regulated waste.

Online  |  11 Modules  | 2.5 Hours to Complete  |  11 Microcredentials |  1 Professional Certificate

For Woodshop/Construction Lab educators who want to learn how to develop a safety awareness culture around their programs. This pathway was designed with an intimate understanding of the safety concerns and hazards that exist within typical wood shops in secondary schools.

Online  |  11 Modules  | 6 Hours to Complete  |  11 Microcredentials  |  1 Professional Certificate

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