
  • 10 Lessons

    3D Printers

    Protect you and your students against the hazards of 3D printing.
  • 10 Lessons

    Hand Tools

    In this module, you learn about tool selection, demonstration, usage, and storage.
  • 8 Lessons

    Laser Cutters

    Laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to vaporize materials, resulting in a cut edge. In this module you learn how to use them more safely.
  • 15 Lessons

    Remote Safety & Emergency Situations

    The use of a remote safety acknowledgement is absolutely important when performing any science or STEM activities off-site to help minimize liability and to ensure that safety is still a priority regardless of the environment.
  • 4 Lessons


    In this module, we will discuss safety training related to robots, including risk assessments and best practices.
  • 5 Lessons

    Science & STEM From Home

    Common building blocks exist that can help you and your students achieve your curricular goals even in a distance education model.
  • 48 Lessons

    Science & STEM Makerspaces

    Some of the makerspace hazards, including the ultrafine particles generated during 3D printing, have not been fully characterized to date. With this in mind, careful review of the processes, development of safety procedures, and use of exposure control devices are important to minimize the risks of adverse exposure.
  • 6 Lessons

    Science Instruction and Safety

    Science activities, as all content area lessons which require active student involvement, carry special concerns for safety. In this module you will learn how to assess the level of safety in your science teaching.
  • 54 Lessons

    STEM Labs and STEM Lab Safety

    Like science labs, STEM Labs (science, technology, engineering, and math) require STEM lab safety and security measures, with an emphasis on safety training, personal protective equipment (PPE), standard operating procedures, engineering controls, and supervision. While hand and power tools can be found in STEM labs, many students and teachers use these tools without receiving proper safety training.
  • 52 Lessons

    Students with Additional Needs: Course

    Every student is entitled to equitable access to education. In this module we will look at some strategies and best-practices that you can use in your science and STEM program to ensure that students with additional needs are successful.
  • 56 Lessons

    Teaching Science and STEM Online Safely

    In this course you will explore some of the common building blocks, or frameworks that exist that can help you and your students achieve your curricular goals in a safe manner, even in a distance education model.

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