
  • 16 Lessons

    Allergens and Allergies in Schools

    An allergic reaction begins when an allergen enters the body.
  • 32 Lessons

    General Science Safety For Secondary Students

    Students planning to work in a chemistry laboratory need to learn basic safety principles before beginning.
  • 11 Lessons

    Global Harmonized System Training

    In this module you will learn about the GHS and how chemical hazards are classified and communicated through the use of labels and safety data sheets (SDS) to improve awareness and understanding about the products being handled.
  • 5 Lessons

    Lab Safety Awareness

    The National Safety Council has estimated that 5000 safety-related accidents occur in U.S. schools each year. At least 10% of these are science classroom related. This module is designed to help you understand the need for lab safety at a deeper level by looking at individual cases and research.
  • 24 Lessons

    Ladder Safety

    School employees must have ladder training if ladder use is required/expected.
  • 14 Lessons

    Playground Safety

    A playground should be a place where children can play and have fun, not a place where serious injuries occur. Some of these tragedies can be attributed to deliberate misuse of the equipment, poorly maintained equipment or having no parental supervision. Most injuries can be prevented.
  • 9 Lessons

    Recognizing Disturbing Behaviors

    It can be tough figuring out whether a student might be contemplating harm, or if they’re simply being irritable, angry or withdrawn.
  • 16 Lessons

    Risk Management for STEAM Programs

    This module covers important topics related to dealing with safer strategies for evaluating, mitigating and managing risks in STEAM programs.
  • 5 Lessons

    Science Safety Concerns

    This module addresses safety concerns around chemicals, electricity, and glassware.
  • 12 Lessons

    Science Safety Risk Management Framework

    A formal, cohesive, holistic process for Science, STEAM, CTE, and lab safety that allows organizations to manage and mitigate program delivery hazards and risks, making organizations and schools safer.
  • 8 Lessons

    Student Safety Rules and Forms

    In this module you will learn about the difference between a safety acknowledgement form and a safety contract.
  • 56 Lessons

    Teaching Science and STEM Online Safely

    In this course you will explore some of the common building blocks, or frameworks that exist that can help you and your students achieve your curricular goals in a safe manner, even in a distance education model.

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