Safer Strategies for New STEM Teachers 

New Teachers are Recognized Risks in the School
Science Safety presents "Recognizing the Risks of New Teachers in Schools." This webinar provides insights into risk management practices for new teachers.

Did you know that teachers with less than three years of experience are recognized risks in the laboratory instructional space?

New Teachers are Recognized Risks in the School

35% of Science and STEAM teachers have NOT been provided appropriate safety training in their undergraduate or pre-service schooling. Having access to appropriate subject and grade-level training on the materials, equipment, apparatus, and tools and recognizing potential safety hazards and resulting health and safety risks will help prevent accidents.

Having formalized, progressive safety training reduces the potential for accidents by 51% and when you consider that 80% of Science & STEAM instructors indicate they have had one injury in the past year, it is worthwhile to attend this session with Science Safety to gain insights into risk management practices for new or new-to-teaching Science and STEAM educators. Register online to make the investment in increasing safety awareness in your school today and reduce the inherent risks in Science and STEAM instructional spaces!

Don’t miss out on valuable information! Enhance your knowledge by checking out our catalog of webinars or visiting the Science Safety YouTube channel.

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