Example Chemical Hygiene Officer Job Description General Responsibilities

As required by the OSHA Standard regarding Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories (OSHA’s Laboratory Standard 29 CFR1910.1450). The Chemical Hygiene Officer will work with administrators and other employees to develop and implement appropriate chemical hygiene policies and practices, hazard communication policies and practices, and monitor procurement, use, and disposal of chemicals. The Officer will ensure that all employees who may be exposed to laboratory chemicals are adequately trained in the proper storage, handling, use and disposal of those chemicals. This position has K-12 responsibilities.

Reports To: Superintendent of Schools Performance Responsibilities:

  1. Assists with development, and maintains and administers a written Chemical Hygiene Plan detailing standard work practices and policies. Also assists with development of a Hazard Communication plan. These responsibilities include an annual review and update to the Plan(s).
  2. Attends safety training seminars for district Chemical Hygiene Officers conducted by qualified professionals on an as-needed basis.
  3. Works with Curriculum/Professional Development Administrators and Human Resources to provide initial and periodic training for science teachers in accordance with state regulations pertaining to the use of hazardous chemicals in the science curriculum. Assists in maintaining records related to such training.
  4. Ensures the adequacy of personal protective equipment and implements changes as necessary. Makes the district OSHA Safety Committee aware of all accident reports and makes appropriate recommendations to CAS regarding proposed changes in laboratory procedures.
  5. Coordinates with the Facilities Department to ensure periodic inspection and maintenance of records of inspection of safety equipment, including but not limited to ventilation equipment, eye wash station, safety showers, fire blankets, and chemical storage equipment.
  6. Oversees and monitors worker exposures to hazardous materials on an as-needed basis. This requirement necessitates remaining current on permissible exposure limits by OSHA as detailed in Safety Data Sheets. Ensures that medical consultative services are available to those requesting or needing such services.
  7. Works with Content Area Specialists (CAS) and science teachers in conducting regularly scheduled science curriculum hazardous chemical inventories and maintaining an up-to-date inventory log. In addition, ensures that all hazardous chemicals are appropriately labeled and that all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available to employees.
  8. Supervises the purchase of all laboratory chemicals in conjunction with the Science CAS.
  9. Reviews and monitors the disposal of hazardous materials. Maintains records of such disposal.
  10. Provides the Superintendent of Schools and Principals with an annual update on all activities pertaining to the district’s Chemical Hygiene Plan.
  11. Performs other tasks as required by state/federal regulations pertaining to the use of hazardous chemicals in school science programs.

Safety Requirements

  • Follows all applicable safety rules, procedures, and regulations governing the proper use of chemicals and equipment.
  • Wears appropriate safety gear.
  • Must comply with the school district’s chemical hygiene program and follow MSDS/SDS sheets. Physical and Mental Demands, Work Hazards
  • Works in standard office and school science lab environments. Activities include walking or standing, occasional sitting, frequent squatting, stooping, kneeling, and reaching.
  • Some exposure to chemicals.
  • May be required to lift 30 lbs. Qualifications: Expertise in OSHA law and Chemical Safety. Demonstrated organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills. Ability to effectively present information to administrators, public groups/community, and the Board of Education. Clear written and oral communication skills. Ability to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions.

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