Art Safety Certification Courses AlphabeticalNewly Created All CategoriesArt SafetyVisual ArtsVisual Impairment All InstructorsSean Ryanadmin2025Open Not Enrolled 10 Lessons Ceramics Safety Everything in ceramics involves some form of powder and water. These are mixed to make clay or glazes – when they dry out, dust results. Often the dusts involved are very fine and once in the air they are not always visible, which makes it much easier to inhale them accidentally. Not Enrolled 6 Lessons Design and Architecture and Model Making Safety practices related to design and architecture and model making. Not Enrolled 4 Lessons Drawing Materials Safety Drawing materials include pencils, conte crayons, charcoal sticks, oil and dry pastels, and more. Free 13 Lessons Glowforge Printer Safety Glowforge Printers as 3D laser printer that cut, engrave, and score hundreds of materials. It takes the power of a factory and makes it safer K-12 students, for creation classrooms. Not Enrolled 10 Lessons Hazardous Waste Management and Visual Arts Numerous health hazards and environmental risks are associated with the creation of art. Not Enrolled 12 Lessons Health and Safety Programs and the Visual Arts If your art classroom program produces something, in other words a piece of artwork such as a painting, sculpture, jewelry etc. you should understand that clean up materials. Not Enrolled 6 Lessons Jewelry Making and Small Metals Safety Creating jewelry or working with small metal may not seem like an unsafe activity. However there are some safety concerns to be mindful of when working in this area. Explore the safer practices in this module. Not Enrolled 5 Lessons Metalworking and Foundry Safety Metalworking has real-world applications in every aspect of our community. This module covers the various safety concerns involving the use of metal and foundry working tools, equipment, and raw materials. Not Enrolled 4 Lessons Painting and Solvents Use and Safety Painting and Solvents Use and Safety: Exposure to vapors of solvents, paints and lacquers can cause irritation and damage to eyes and mucous membranes, to the respiratory and digestive tracts, and to the skin. Exposure to organic substances (toluene, n-hexane, methylalcohol etc.) may cause damage to the nervous system. Not Enrolled 6 Lessons Photography Safety Photography Safety: Chemicals and processes used in photographic developing can pose a variety of hazards. Not Enrolled 3 Lessons Printing and Printmaking Safety This module explores the safety concerns involved in printing and print-making activities and some strategies about reducing these potential hazards and risks. Not Enrolled 5 Lessons Sculpture Safety Dangers and safety recommendations related to sculpture. Not Enrolled 14 Lessons Students with Visual Impairments Explore strategies and their applications in your classroom to better support students with visual impairments. Not Enrolled 10 Lessons Ceramics Safety Everything in ceramics involves some form of powder and water. These are mixed to make clay or glazes – when they dry out, dust results. Often the dusts involved are very fine and once in the air they are not always visible, which makes it much easier to inhale them accidentally. Not Enrolled 6 Lessons Design and Architecture and Model Making Safety practices related to design and architecture and model making. Not Enrolled 4 Lessons Drawing Materials Safety Drawing materials include pencils, conte crayons, charcoal sticks, oil and dry pastels, and more. Free 13 Lessons Glowforge Printer Safety Glowforge Printers as 3D laser printer that cut, engrave, and score hundreds of materials. It takes the power of a factory and makes it safer K-12 students, for creation classrooms. Not Enrolled 10 Lessons Hazardous Waste Management and Visual Arts Numerous health hazards and environmental risks are associated with the creation of art. Not Enrolled 12 Lessons Health and Safety Programs and the Visual Arts If your art classroom program produces something, in other words a piece of artwork such as a painting, sculpture, jewelry etc. you should understand that clean up materials. Not Enrolled 6 Lessons Jewelry Making and Small Metals Safety Creating jewelry or working with small metal may not seem like an unsafe activity. However there are some safety concerns to be mindful of when working in this area. Explore the safer practices in this module. Not Enrolled 5 Lessons Metalworking and Foundry Safety Metalworking has real-world applications in every aspect of our community. This module covers the various safety concerns involving the use of metal and foundry working tools, equipment, and raw materials. Not Enrolled 4 Lessons Painting and Solvents Use and Safety Painting and Solvents Use and Safety: Exposure to vapors of solvents, paints and lacquers can cause irritation and damage to eyes and mucous membranes, to the respiratory and digestive tracts, and to the skin. Exposure to organic substances (toluene, n-hexane, methylalcohol etc.) may cause damage to the nervous system. Not Enrolled 6 Lessons Photography Safety Photography Safety: Chemicals and processes used in photographic developing can pose a variety of hazards. Not Enrolled 3 Lessons Printing and Printmaking Safety This module explores the safety concerns involved in printing and print-making activities and some strategies about reducing these potential hazards and risks. Not Enrolled 5 Lessons Sculpture Safety Dangers and safety recommendations related to sculpture. Not Enrolled 14 Lessons Students with Visual Impairments Explore strategies and their applications in your classroom to better support students with visual impairments.