School Year-End Closing Recommendations

School Year-End Closing Recommendations
Science Safety presents "School Year-End Closing Recommendations." This webinar aims to assist teachers in preparing their labs for end-of-year closure.

There are many often overlooked aspects of responsible chemical management and safety programs ‘better professional safety practices’ at the end of the school year for a multitude of reasons. Science Safety wants to ensure that your Science, STEM, and CTE departments are aware of the summer shutdown procedures and protocols that will facilitate a safer department re-opening in August or September.

School Year-End Closing Recommendations

Join Science Safety as we explore and explain some of these safer school year-end practices using guidelines and legal and professional standards woven into some personal anecdotes from experiences as a Chemical Hygiene Officer and Director of Science for a school district.

Don’t miss out on valuable information! Enhance your knowledge by checking out our catalog of webinars or visiting the Science Safety YouTube channel.

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